Aug 23 2005
Recently, Tuesday the 16thto be exact, a customer at a local lounge where my wife works came in with a small dog that had been discarded from a car near the highway overpass. The car came to a stop and the dog was tossed out. The good Samaritan that saw it, stopped and called the dog over. This friendly little dog, a shih tzu, was a little dirty and obviously not well cared for. The coward who left him went on his way.At first I thought, why would somebody do such a cowardly and cruel act? But now I feel that maybe it was a stolen car or some kind of circumstance that is attached to the ditching of Finnegan (the name my two boys gave him). The well-mannered dog is doing well in his new home. If perhaps thatthe car that discarded Finnegan was the owner, then the dog is better off anyway and the creep involved will get his. I felt I had to write this in case the owners of the pooch are looking for him. You can judge people sometimes by the way they treat animals. If you saw this incidentthen maybe you should report the make and model of car to the authorities or me, I'd like to talk to the guy.
Cam Campbell
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